[求助]vue文件引用ts时没有类型推断, 并且一直提示错误
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module.exports = {
root: true,
env: {
browser: true,
commonjs: true,
es2021: true,
node: true,
'vue/setup-compiler-macros': true,
plugins: ['vue'],
parser: 'vue-eslint-parser',
parserOptions: {
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaVersion: 'latest',
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
extends: [
ignorePatterns: ['.eslintrc.cjs', 'tsconfig.app.json'],
rules: {
'vue/require-default-prop': 'off',
'vue/multi-word-component-names': 'off',
'vue/attribute-hyphenation': 'off',
'vue/no-v-html': 'off',
indent: [
SwitchCase: 1,
ignoredNodes: ['ConditionalExpression'],
'linebreak-style': ['warn', 'unix'],
quotes: ['warn', 'single'],
semi: ['warn', 'always'],
camelcase: ['warn', 'always', { ignoreDestructuring: true }],
'linebreak-style': 0,
'comma-dangle': 'off',
globals: {
process: true,
yw: true,
tinymce: true,
BeaconAction: true,
echarts: true,
我的代码如下, 运行是正常的, 但是没有对应的类型推断, ts提示 未从源文件“/Users/zhaozhongyu/code/write-pc/src/renderer/utils/fetch.ts”生成输出文件“/Users/zhaozhongyu/code/write-pc/src/renderer/utils/fetch.d.ts”。
<script setup lang="ts">
import { _fetch } from '@utils/fetch';
What is expected?
按理说应该直接有对应的类型推断, 不需要我手写一个d.ts类型文件
What is actually happening?
除非手写一个d.ts类型文件, 否则不会有类型推断.
System Info
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