v-once inside v-for
Reproduction link
Steps to reproduce
Open the codepen, see that the v-for is displaying one one one
rather than one two three
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item in items" :key="item">
<div contenteditable v-once>
{{ item }}
export default {
data() {
return {
items: ['one', 'two', 'three']
What is expected?
I would expect to see a list of
one two three
What is actually happening?
A list of
one one one
Using v-once on the v-for element itself works fine, however when using v-once on an element inside a v-for the first element of the array is rendered out for each iteration of the loop.
I'm using this to stop a contenteditable element updating after initial load. Not massively worried about data sync so it works in my use case.
I can work around it by putting v-once on the v-for element, but for cases where you'd want reactive data showing up alongside data inside the v-once div that may not apply.
I actually can't use my workaround because I need to be able to remove/add elements to the array. In my mind the v-once should only apply when rendered by the v-for? I could be wrong here though.
I'm marking this as a bug but I suspect this is like v-memo: it wasn't supposed to be used on the children of the v-for but on the v-for directly (https://github.com/vuejs/vue-next/issues/4262)