use vue template in js directly
What problem does this feature solve?
similar to JSX
- Write more than one component in a file ;
- Use variables directly in the current scope ;
- Retain the hoist, block, patchProps, and so on;
What does the proposed API look like?
before compile
import { reactive } from "vue";
export default {
name: "App",
setup() {
let state = reactive({
title: 'jsv-compiler',
count: 0
function handleClick() {
state.count ;
// Write more than one component in a file. The Title here is a component.
let Title = <template><h1>hello {{state.title}}</h1></template>
// Use variables directly in the current scope, such as state.count
return (
<Title />
<div>{{ state.count }}</div>
<button v-on:Click="handleClick">click add 1</button>
after compile
import * as Vue from 'vue';
import { reactive } from "vue";
export default {
name: "App",
setup() {
let state = reactive({
title: 'jsv-compiler',
count: 0
function handleClick() {
state.count ;
// Write more than one component in a file. The Title here is a component.
let Title = (() => {
const { toDisplayString: _toDisplayString, createVNode: _createVNode, openBlock: _openBlock, createBlock: _createBlock } = Vue
return function render(_ctx, _cache) {
return (_openBlock(), _createBlock("h1", null, "hello " _toDisplayString(
(() => {
try {
return state
} catch {
return _ctx.state
})().title), 1 /* TEXT */))
// Use variables directly in the current scope, such as state.count
return (
(() => {
const { resolveComponent: _resolveComponent, createVNode: _createVNode, toDisplayString: _toDisplayString, Fragment: _Fragment, openBlock: _openBlock, createBlock: _createBlock } = Vue
return function render(_ctx, _cache) {
const _component_Title = (() => {
try {
return Title;
} catch {
return _resolveComponent("Title");
return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_Fragment, null, [
_createVNode("div", null, _toDisplayString(
(() => {
try {
return state
} catch {
return _ctx.state
})().count), 1 /* TEXT */),
_createVNode("button", {
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => (
(() => {
try {
return handleClick(...args)
} catch {
return _ctx.handleClick(...args)
}, "click add 1")
], 64 /* STABLE_FRAGMENT */))
I've written an online compiler demo: