TypeError: rawRef is not iterable
Reproduction link
Steps to reproduce
generate package from the link and use in demo app: https://codesandbox.io/s/brave-brown-ux5cq?file=/demo-example
What is expected?
Generate Component which could be imported as dependency
What is actually happening?
I want to create UMD package with webpack ( rollup are not suitable because of package is using 3rd party where use strict broken because of with
operator) . When I create component and import it from the directory of the same application it works great. But when from the package I get an error TypeError: rawRef is not iterable
form const setRef = (rawRef, oldRawRef, parentComponent, parentSuspense, vnode) => { ... const [owner, ref] = rawRef;
Also, when I import it from the same application, Component is looks like:
name: "ZiggeoPlayer"
props: {apiKey: {…}, auto-install-vue: {…}, auth: {…}, debug: {…}, testing_application: {…}, …}
render: ƒ render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options)
setup: setup(props, { emit }) { const player = Object(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["markRaw"])({}); const ziggeoPlayer = Object(vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__["ref"])(null); const _ziggeoAttributes = () => {…}
__emits: {0: null}
__file: "src/tmp/components/ZiggeoPlayer/ZiggeoPlayer.vue"
__hmrId: "3f52f3f2"
__props: {0: Array(2)}
__proto__: Object
but when from package:
name: "ZiggeoPlayer"
props: {apiKey: {…}, auto-install-vue: {…}, auth: {…}, debug: {…}, testing_application: {…}, …}
render: ƒ render(_ctx, _cache)
setup: ƒ setup(props, _ref)
__emits: {0: null}
__props: {0: Array(2)}
__proto__: Object
As you can see, setup is different
Hi, thanks for your interest but Github issues are for bug reports and feature requests only. You can ask questions on the forum, the Discord server or StackOverflow.
This is just too much for a reproduction, if you manage to reproduce without the ZiggeoPlayer, then we can take a look. A git repository would also be more suitable