Turborepo sure makes a clean interface
What problem does this feature solve?
I was playing around with turborepo and setup a vue3/vite helloworld, and added packages for jest testing and airbnb linting.
The end result kept the app folder really clean. I will probably use this as my starter template from here on out because it's so modularized it's easy to work with. I just wanted to show you guys, it might be intreresting to you. When setting up linting and jest testing my package.json has always gotten "busy" and I hadn't even started developing yet. This is finally what I want to see for a package.json file in a starter template: https://github.com/JasonCubic/vue3-monorepo/blob/main/apps/vue3-vite/package.json
What does the proposed API look like?
We don't need to do much of anything really. I just wanted to show you guys something I stumbled on and thought was interesting.
Feel free to close this. It' s not really a feature request. I just wanted to show you something I like that I built with vue and didn't know where else to show it.