style v-bind should have prepend "url(" and append ")" when the variable is an url/asset/module
What problem does this feature solve?
style v-bind should have prepend "url(" and append ")" when the variable is an url/asset/module
What does the proposed API look like?
<script lang="ts" setup>
import shape from "@/assets/shape.svg";
<style scoped lang=scss>
div {
background-image: v-bind(shape);
since background-image: v-bind(shape);
converts to var(--3d872d92-shape)
and wrapping it with url is not allowed.
the v-bind should set this scss variable --3d872d92-shape: url(/src/assets/shape.svg)
instead of --3d872d92-shape: /src/assets/shape.svg
I don't think we can reliably detect that this import is actually a valid asset string. So you will need to create the correct css url value yourself and bind that.
<script lang="ts" setup>
import shape from "@/assets/shape.svg";
const shapeUrl = `url(${shape})`
<style scoped lang=scss>
div {
background-image: v-bind(shapeUrl);
v-bind css 功能里面是可以写表达式的, 当你写backgroud-image的 时候是需要你自己添加 url() 函数 When using the 'v-bind css' function, expressions can be added. When using the 'background-image' property, it is necessary to manually add the 'url()' function.
<script setup>
import testjPG from './test.jpeg'
const bgUrl = ''
const fontSize=14
div {
background-image: v-bind("`url('${testjPG}')`");
background-image: v-bind("`url('${bgUrl}')`");
你可以直接在v-bind中写表达式 就可以直接引入了
You can directly add expressions in 'v-bind' to import it directly
注意表达式中 "url('${bgUrl}')
" 包裹${bgUrl}的单引号不能掉
Note that the single quotes wrapping ${bgUrl} could not be forget