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Replacing an array within a reactive with a copy breaks .indexOf

May 31st 2022

Vue version


Link to minimal reproduction

Steps to reproduce

The expected and actual outcomes are logged to the console

What is expected?

When making a copy of an array within a Reactive and plugging it back into the reactive, I expect that .indexOf will still behave correctly

What is actually happening?

When .slice is called on the array within the reactive, Vue turns it into an Array<Proxy<Object>>, to avoid losing reactivity on the items. When this result is then plugged back into the reactive, those proxied objects remain in the array.

When .indexOf is called with a non-proxied object, it will return -1, as the non-proxied object isn't identity-equal to the proxied one.

createArrayInstumentations already contains a branch for when an operation is called with a proxied argument on an array without proxied objects. My case is the exact opposite: an operation is called with a non-proxied argument on an array with proxied objects. Changing return arr[key]( to return[key]( makes my test case pass.

System Info

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Any additional comments?

I ran into this when writing unit tests. I have constant test data, which I made reactive for a test case in a similar way as in the reproduction. Initially, .indexOf worked for searching the array within the reactive, but it failed after changing items in the reactive's array by making a defensive copy.

Jun 1st 2022

option 1

state.items = [...toRaw(state.items), item2]; 

option 2

option 3

don't mix and match raw and reactive playground reactive only