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Provide / Inject issues with custom elements and inserting raw html

Dec 12th 2021



Reproduction link

Steps to reproduce

View the output in the repo to see that the second example of my-component is not displaying the injected value from provide-a. It only displays the provide value from the closest element.

What is expected?

In the provided repo there are 3 custom elements created with vue. 2 of the elements provide a value and injects both of them.

If the custom elements are used within a vue component template then my-component has access to both the provided values from provide-a and provide-b. If the custom elements are inserted through <div v-html="myHtml"></div> or directly through innerHTML the same behaviour is expected.

What is actually happening?

Only the closest provide value from provide-b is available to the my-component. The value from provide-a is not available.

The use case for this is loading html (with custom elements) from a server as a string and inserting it into the page.

Dec 12th 2021

As a workaround for any components that provide a value I relay any parent values through a context object.

// provide-b composition api example
setup(props) {
  const context = inject('context', {});
  provide('context', { ...context, b: props.b });