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Log brotli-compressed size of output files

May 8th 2020

Most sites will serve with brotli compression to browsers which support it (i.e. all modern ones). Logging just the uncompressed size is somewhat disingenuous; and friends show compressed sizes by default as it is true what most users will actually download.

Example output:

$ vite build
vite v0.13.0
\ Building for production...
[write] dist\assets\index.js 8.41kb, brotli: 3.15kb
[write] dist\assets\style.css 0.00kb, brotli: 0.00kb
[write] dist\index.html 0.22kb, brotli: 0.10kb
Build completed in 1.10s.

On the very small app I tested this on, calculating brotli sizes added ~3% to the build time.