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In the production environment, the $store in CTX under getcurrentinstance cannot be obtained, or main.js As defined in app.config.globalProperties value

Dec 7th 2020



Steps to reproduce

code: import { reactive, toRefs, ref, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue' const { ctx } = getCurrentInstance() console.log(ctx.$store)

打包之后上面会输出未定义 After packaging, the above output is undefined

What is expected?

Should be able to print the defined values normally

What is actually happening?

Output undefined

Dec 7th 2020

You should do it like this:

const { proxy } = getCurrentInstance()

It is not recommended to use const {ctx} = getCurrentInstance() because the production environment and development environment get ctx inconsistent.

Dec 7th 2020

Thank you. I think the official document should provide a description of this. Or explain the API that getcurrentinstance can use. Avoid low-level problems


const  { proxy }  =  getCurrentInstance ()
控制台。日志(代理。$ store )

不建议使用,const {ctx} = getCurrentInstance()因为生产环境和开发环境ctx不一致。

Thank you. I think the official document should provide a description of this. Or explain the API that getcurrentinstance can use. Avoid low-level problems

Dec 7th 2020

Because this approach is not recommended, it is not explained in the documentation. The recommended approach is: = 'bar'

app.component('child-component', {
  mounted() {
    console.log( // 'bar'