how custom renderer is used in combination with DOM renderer ?
What problem does this feature solve?
I want to render graphic objects in canvas with custom renderer,but i can only mount custom-renderer at root dom,how custom renderer is used in combination with DOM renderer ?
What does the proposed API look like?
template: 《div》 《div class="center“》 《custom-map》 《custom-text ...props》{{ text }}《/custom-text》 《custom-line ...props》《/custom-line》 《/custom-map》 《/div》 《div class="left"》{{ text }}《/div》 《div class="right"》...《/div》 《/div》
script: data(){ return { text: "文字" } }
You can use TroisJS as an example:
You can use TroisJS as an example:
Hello, they don't seem to be using Vue's custom renderer at all. And the file you referenced seems to be just a wrapper for WebGLRenderer. Which is also strange, since docs mention that they actually use a custom renderer