What problem does this feature solve?
const { reactive, reactiveShallow, readonly, readonlyShallow, effect } = VueReactivity
let state = reactive({ name: 10, age: 11 })
effect(() => {
console.log(“run effect”)
document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = state.name + state.age
setTimeout(() => {
state.name = 10010;
state.age = 123123;
}, 2000)
在执行 setTimeout中的 state.name = 10010; state.age = 123123;时,执行了两次effect。这样在一个函数中获取多个state的属性值,effect会执行多次,这样性能消耗比较大。
What does the proposed API look like?
effect(() => { console.log(“run effect”) document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = state.name + state.age },{await:true})
use a watch
so changes are put together.
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