Could an update be needed for globalsAllowList
What problem does this feature solve?
What does the proposed API look like?
Symbol etc.
I think it's a reasonable request.
As Evan said
The template global whitelist has always only included language-level globals (as defined in ECMA-262)
So maybe we can add all of the standard built-in objects. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why Object, Boolean, String, RegExp, BigInt can be used in the template, but Symbol cannot.
Symbol itself may be a valuable addition. I was kinda interested in the "etc.", wether there are additional things OP wants to include and why.
Symbol itself may be a valuable addition. I was kinda interested in the "etc.", wether there are additional things OP wants to include and why.
Although I'm not certain, I had thought that in addition to Symbol, globalThis, Reflect, WeakMap, and WeakSet could also be included. Also, the reason I shared the MDN link was for you to be able to check if there was anything else that I might have missed or that you would like to add.