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Steps to reproduce
2、运行vite build进行编译之后,部署到服务器上运行,切换分页后,当前分页的ref对象为空
What is expected?
What is actually happening?
This is not a valid reproduction but I noticed in your code you should use markRaw()
in your components if you pass to them to reactive functions like ref or computed;
import _HomeView from './HomeView.vue'
const HomeView = markRaw(_HomeView)
const currentTabComponent = computed(() => {
switch (currentTab.value) {
case 'Home' : return HomeView
case 'Posts' : return PostsView
case 'Archive' : return ArchiveView
Remember to use the forum or the Discord chat to ask questions!
@posva Thank you for your reply, but this plan did not work.
<component :is="currentTabComponent" :ref="currentTabRef"></component>
const currentTabRef = computed(() => currentTab.value + '_View')
const Home_View = ref(null)
const Posts_View = ref(null)
const Archive_View = ref(null)
const logRef = () => {
console.log(Home_View.value, Posts_View.value, Archive_View.value)
onMounted(() => {
setInterval(logRef, 1000)
The component ref attribute is obtained by currentTabRef function and the corresponding $refs object(Home_View、Posts_View、Archive_View) is defined also
Log Home_View.value, Posts_View.value, and Archive_View.value per second.
In dev environment, Home_View.value,Posts_View.value and Archive_View.value get the correct values,but after build, Home_View.value,Posts_View.value and Archive_View.value is always null
I simplified it sfc.vuejs.org/
This is the #4549 missing scene :sob:
我把它简化了sfc.vuejs.org/ 这是#4549 缺失的场景😭
Will this issue be fixed in the next release?
@651778286 不只有refs有问题 , 我在setup script 中 const _bill = inject('bill')
, 在script 中 也获取不到.
都是开发环境正常, 发布环境undefined
不知道是不是vite的问题 我也提到vite了 https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/6244
@llcat setup script 和 普通script 中的数据不互通目前看来, 一个vue文件只能写一种script, 文档中没有明确说明容易给人错觉
是的, 翻了几个issue, debug后发现确实不互通, 主要是setup()
在options api中的行为和<script setup>
也不一致, setup()
, 文档中没有提及到不互通, 导致我误以为在option api中可以获取, 最好的实践是在一个SFC中要么用composition api, 要么用options api,不要混着用
This is a design flaw in the way dynamic refs are handled in <script setup>
- we may need to rethink the syntax in the future.
For now, the workaround is to create a plain object to hold the refs: