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v-model is invalid in vue@next with vite

May 3rd 2020

In a project created with vite, I define a component with model such as:

    v-on:change="$emit('change', $"
export default {
  name: "BaseCheckbox"
  model: {
    prop: "checked",
    event: "change",
  props: {
    checked: Boolean,

and then I use v-model to bind checked for BaseCheckbox

  <BaseCheckbox v-model="checked" />

export default {
  data: () => ({checked: true})

It didn't work, and the value of checked props was false in BaseCheckbox.But v-model with native dom was running normal. Is this problem about vite, vue@next or compiler?

May 3rd 2020

So this is an incompatible change? If I have a custom component base on Vue@2 and I want to use it in a project base on Vue@next, I need to refactor it at first?

May 3rd 2020

I think you can make it work in both versions of Vue. You need to add this.$emit('update:modelValue, value) where you emitting change event, however you have to handle the modifiers by yourself by checking if modelModifiers prop exists

May 3rd 2020

Please read RFCs for Vue core changes. This is not a vite issue.