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May 10th 2020

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

I'm planning on digging in this week and there is no mention of SSR in the docs. W Vue2 and Webpack there is a special plugin so I assume it needs some tooling.

Describe the solution you'd like Add what is needed or missing to get SSR working in docs. If there is work to be done, add it to the Todo.

May 10th 2020

You can take a look how SSR is achieved here:

May 11th 2020

@yyx990803 there is an --ssr option now, but it is not described at all. I have hacked around and got it working, but I am not sure if what I am doing is correct. A little example on how to use it would be great. I guess there will be a ssr template for create vite at some point.

May 14th 2020

At some point we will have more concrete docs... SSR is a topic in its own and we will tackle that as part of the main Vue 3 documentation process.

Jan 19th 2021

I see that there's now an SSR playground

Jan 19th 2021

@benmccann ya! Evan appears to be working on it... the official discussion is here: