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May need resolveVuex and resolveVueRouter

Apr 30th 2020

Refer to

Also refer to the file

There is a resolveVue to resolve Vue JS paths properly.

    if (id === 'vue') {
      const vuePath = resolveVue(root).vue
      await cachedRead(ctx, vuePath)
      debugModuleResolution(`vue -> ${getDebugPath(vuePath)}`)

A resolve for Vuex and VueRouter (and possible other libraries) may also be needed...

Apr 30th 2020

@ais-one Evan is doing a pretty good job. Would you please change the "adn" typo in the title. Shows respect to provide our issues polished, clean and concise. :)

Apr 30th 2020

For me, this works (with vue-router 4.0.0-alpha.9; Mac):

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router/dist/vue-router.esm.js';

There was earlier a mention in the README that Vite might have a path mapper, at some point in the future. It also mentioned import maps as one long term solution.

Would you be fine with that approach?

Apr 30th 2020

typo fixed... I can try out your suggestion... I think a fix is already on the way. I am on windows...

May 1st 2020

For me, this works (with vue-router 4.0.0-alpha.9; Mac):

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router/dist/vue-router.esm.js';

this works

There was earlier a mention in the README that Vite might have a path mapper, at some point in the future. It also mentioned import maps as one long term solution.

Would you be fine with that approach?

let me read up more on this

May 1st 2020

It appears the resolver is matching twice for Vuex

import { useStore } from "vuex";

The browser attempts to load bundler as:

Where as the following import works:

import { useStore } from "vuex/dist/vuex.esm-bundler";

May 4th 2020

Tested with latest vite and it's working with vuex@next and vue-router@next. Please open new issue if still having problems.