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Dots in URL lead to 404 instead of index.html served

May 12th 2020

Describe the bug

When adding dots to the URL (i.e. /tag/10.4.1) vite returns a 404 instead of index.html



System Info

  • required vite version: 0.14.2
  • required Operating System: OS X
  • required Node version: 13.12.0

Logs (Optional if provided reproduction)

no logs, just a 404

May 13th 2020

So the problem is the following line:

It prevents everything with a dot inside being redirected to index.html.

When dropping it, it happens that all JS files are redirected to index.html. This is due to await next() being called in all plugins even if they already "handled" the request. Is this intentional?

I'd suggest to:

  • Adjust server plugins to only call next() when the request was not handled
  • Use ctx.path instead of removing query and hash from ctx.url in serverPluginServeStatic.ts
  • Adjust the check for relative paths to ctx.path !== path.resolve(ctx.path)

Would you agree on this? If so I'll file a PR

EDIT: What is even the reason to check for relative paths, I do not yet get this?